In the Lantern Lab series, the first two workshops laid the groundwork for critical thinking and problem-solving. However, the third session marked a turning point as participants, guided by Daniel Emenahor from the British Council and Uduak Ndiokho, a seasoned community manager, underwent a mindset shift towards societal problems.

Participants, honing their creative and problem-solving skills, started approaching challenges logically, focusing on transformative solutions. Their capacity to pinpoint the underlying root causes of issues in society rather than the consequences is a huge step in what makes people critical thinkers.

The workshop introduced the concept of root cause analysis, emphasizing the importance of understanding the origin of the ‘problems’ they aim to solve, using a data-driven approach.

Highlighting the value of collective action, the workshop emphasized collaborative thinking for positive change. Recognizing the power of synergy, participants grasped the importance of working together towards common goals.

Beyond societal transformation, the workshop equipped participants with skills for effecting change in their personal and professional lives. These concepts are applicable at both macro and micro levels, empowering participants to drive change in their local communities and society at large.

As we approach the fourth and final workshop on Saturday, November 11, it has been a transformative journey for this Lantern cohort and its soon-to-be Fellows. The impact of these sessions extends beyond critical thinking, fostering a community ready to drive positive change collectively.


About The Sahara Centre

The Sahara Centre is a non-profit organization dedicated to empowering the creative industries as agents of change for a more socially cohesive Nigeria.

Through extensive research, immersive workshops, and impactful advocacy activities, we are deeply committed to supporting and harnessing the potential of the creative industries to drive meaningful social transformation in Nigeria.

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