The Hollywood Blockbuster is influencing your life more than you think.
Look around you. How did we all start to wear jeans? Why is Christmas so important around the world? Why do we have Christmas trees and Santa Claus? Why is it that our view of relationships requires the butterflies, the chase down the park, the missed flights, the emotional journeys?
Why do we think that certain cities are ‘better’ than others? How did Paris become so ‘romantic? It comes from what we consume, the movies we watch, the books we read, the music we listen to, the art we are taught to use as reference points, and how we see our ways of life.
It’s all down to soft power. Soft power is a term coined in the late 1980s by Joseph Nye to describe a diplomatic approach focused on economic and cultural influence that is distinct from hard power’s brute force—leaning on military might and economic dominance—and one that identifies another way, with allure. The attractiveness of a nation’s culture, political philosophies, and policies gives rise to soft power, which fosters an environment of attraction and influence outside the conventional corridors of authority. In politics, soft power helps to advance foreign policy agendas, wielding a user-friendly and potent tool for leadership.
Now, what does this mean for us? The creative industries in Nigeria are agents of soft power, but are we using this power effectively? When we sing of making money and consumption, yes it is powerful and has worked to get us to be a more materialistic, short-term-focused society. Not of all this is to be blamed on the music, there are other acts at play, the political environment that rewards mediocrity, and the type of civilization we seem to be emulating because we have not been able to define what civilization means and can mean to us and for us. Here is where soft power can help. Through the books we write, the music we make, the films, and the buildings we design, we can start to show people that another way is possible.
It is one thing to have power, it is another to be unaware of its potency.

Change-seekers can have a beneficial impact on their local communities by using soft power effectively. Soft power is not manipulation. It is about subtle ways to influence others. Think of the film industry – where engaging narratives and relatable characters work to dispel prejudices, advance cultural awareness, and arouse empathy. Or literature, music, fashion, and the visual arts, where creativity can reshape perspectives, promote social change, and birth critical thinking. Through these creative narratives, we breathe life into the very essence of who we can be, and work towards creating more vibrant communities.
So what can you do now and why is it important?
- Through active listening and genuine care and concern for others, you become more emotionally intelligent.
- If sincere, you become an exemplar for others to follow.
- You learn how to be diplomatic and persuasive.
- You impart information and insights to others.
- Through active participation, and working with others, you show that there are more ways to build the society of our dreams, but we go farther by working with others
In this way, the impact is amplified, and a sense of shared accomplishment is kindled, shifting the spotlight from “me” to “we” in our communities.